]po[ Version (V5.0 "final")

This ]project-open[ V5.0 "final" available for download on SourceForge as https://sourceforge.net/projects/project-open/files/project-open/V5.0/  for Windows and as a CentOS Linux virtual machine. This version fixes a number of issues from V5. Please see below for a list of known issues.


The main difference between V5. and consists in updates to the Gantt Editor

Known Issues & Feature Requests 

Prio Status Name Type Tracker
4 Closed  Project View Page: Conf Items: Add relationship doesn't work Bug Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
5 Closed  Companies: Dashboard: Invent new indicators Feature Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
5 Closed  Companies: Dashboard: New Projects -> Project indicators Feature Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
5 Closed  CRM: Add CRM reports (available on Projop) Feature Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
5 Closed  CRM: Dashboard: Empty menus at the left Bug Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
5 Closed  CRM: DnD: Leave space to the right of the scale in 'Sales Pipeline Volume vs. Probability' Bug Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
5 Closed  Indicators: Revise permissions of each indicator Bug Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
5 Closed  Projects: New from Template appears in the Admin section of project menus Bug Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
5 Closed  Projects: New page: Add help and make hierarchical Feature Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
5 Closed  Projects: Programs List: Link kaputt Bug Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
5 Closed  Projects: Project Types: Indent Bug Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
5 Closed  Projects: Project Types: Link + create help pages Bug Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
5 Closed  Projects: RAG Report: Move help text above and make collapsible Bug Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
5 Closed  Task Management: Change cursor when above a main project Bug Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
5 Closed  Task Management: Widget too short on home page Bug Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
5 Closed  Tickets: Dashboard: 'My Ticket Execution' ugly with partially overwritten Bug Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
5 Closed  Tickets: New: 'Admin ticket type': Move to side-menu Bug Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
5 Closed  Tickets: New: 'SLA Long' as translation for SLA Selector Bug Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
5 Closed  Tickets: Ticket Dashboard very slow Bug Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
5 Closed  Tickets: Write 2-3 ticket indicators Bug Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
5 Closed  Timesheet: Month View: left 'Sunday' column has no min with Bug Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
5 Closed  Timesheet: Widget 'You did not log hours on the following days'? Bug Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
5 Closed  Users: Dashboard: Sick days per month: Also to Absences Bug Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
6 Closed  Timesheet: Create 'Logged Hours' pie chart similar to AllTimeCustomers Bug Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
6 Closed  WINDOWS: PERL scripts in UPGRADE packages fail Bug Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
7 Closed  Drop down "Direct Report"-No directs are shown when DirectReportsIncludeCostCenterMembersP = 0 Bug Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
7 Closed  Invoicing: Replace br tags in payment method categories with OpenOffice line breaks Feature Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
7 Closed  Projects: Add 'Redmine' Project Type Bug Request  PD V5.0 Tickets
7 Closed  Projects: ODP Report: Padding for Risk Matrix Bug Request  PD V5.0 Tickets

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  Project Open Business Solutions S.L.

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 Tel Europe: +34 609 953 751
 Tel US: +1 415 200 2465
 Mail: info@project-open.com