Table |
Cols |
Rows |
Description |
[acs_logs] |
5 |
296 |
Database equivalent of a log file - programmers may use this for debugging purposes. |
[acs_reference_repositories] |
11 |
4 |
Not used by ]po[. |
[etp_page_revisions] |
1 |
0 |
Keeps track of ETP (Edit This Page) versions. |
[journal_entries] |
5 |
288 |
Keeps track of actions performed on objects, e.g. banning a user, starting or finishing a workflow task, etc.
[search_observer_queue] |
3 |
0 |
Not used by ]po[ . |
[sec_session_properties] |
6 |
0 |
Session properties. Not used by ]po[ |
[secret_tokens] |
3 |
0 |
See the OpenACS "Security Design" document for a detailed explanation. |
[subsite_callbacks] |
6 |
0 |
Applications can register callbacks that are triggered whenever a group of a specified type is created. The callback must expect the following arguments:
[timezone_rules] |
8 |
35931 |
Rules for time zone handling. |
[timezones] |
3 |
521 |
List of time zones |
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