Project Permissions

This page describes the way permissions works for projects, sub-projects and tasks.

Direct Project Membership

The project's "Project Member" portlet allows to add users to a project in one of the following roles:

  • Project Manager (might be renamed into Project Administrator in future releases of ]po[):
    The user has read and write permissions on the project data, may moderate discussions etc.
  • Full Member:
    The user has read permissions on the project, may participate in discussions and log hours to the project

Group Project Membership

Starting with version V4.0, ]po[ allows user groups to be addeds as member of a project. All members of the specified group will enjoy the specified permissions (Full Member or Project Manager).

Privilege "View Projects All"

The "view_projects_all" privilege (defined in Admin -> User Profiles) allows a user read access to all projects in the system without exception.

The profiles of "Senior Managers" and "Accounting"  usually have this privilege set.

Privilege "Edit Projects All"

The "edit_projects_all" privilege (Admin -> User Profiles) allows a user write access to all projects in the system without exception.

The profiles of "Senior Managers" and "Accounting"  usually have this privilege set.

Privilege "View Projects Dept"

The "view_projects_dept" privilege (introduced in ]po[ V4.0.3) allows users of a certain department (or more precise cost center) read access to all projects in or below the user's cost center. Cost center membership is determined by the im_projects.project_cost_center_id field.

Privilege "Edit Projects Dept"

This privilege works in analogy to view_projects_dept.

Privilege "View Projects History"

This privilege controls if unprivileged users (no "view_projects_all") have access to past and future projects in status "closed" or "potential" and their sub-states.

For example, customers and providers usually lack this privilege in order to automatically hide closed projects from them.

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  Project Open Business Solutions S.L.

Calle Aprestadora 19, 12o-2a

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 Tel Europe: +34 609 953 751
 Tel US: +1 415 200 2465