]po[ Portfolio Planner

The ]project-open[ portfolio planner is a [Sencha] application that performs a "what-if" simulation of moving portfolio projects along the time axis. The portfolio planner consists of two main elements:

  • A list of projects together with Gantt bars on a time axis and
  • a list of departments with the accumulated load of the users assigned to the projects.

Required Data

Calculating reliable resource load per department requires clean data in the system. Project managers have to update the data regularly and consistently according to the rules below. The ]project-open[ consulting team is available to elaborate a training plan for your project managers and to adapt the portfolio planner to your organization's specific needs.

  • Projects with Gantt Tasks:
    The portfolio planner only considers projects defined as a list of Gantt Tasks (project type: "Gantt Project", fornally "Consulting Projects"). Projects of other types (SCRUM and other agile projects, SLAs, translation projects, ...) are not considered.

  • Project Plans:
    The portfolio planner (currently) only includes Gantt tasks in the calculation of the resource load. Tickets (used in agile projects, requirement collections etc.) and other types of activities ([forum items] or [translation tasks]) are not considered.
    At the moment (2016-04-20) the most comfortable way to define a number of Gantt tasks is to use the built-in package-intranet-gantt-editor or to import a project from MS-Project or ProjectLibre.

  • Resource Assignments:
    Each tasks in a project plan needs to be assigned to one or more resources. The portfolio planner ignores tasks without resource assignments.

  • "Work" per Gantt Task:
    Every task in the project schedule needs to include "work" (i.e. the estimated number of hours or days it will take to complete the task). MS-Project or ProjectLibre automatically calculate this field when creating tasks.

  • User Departments:
    Every user assigned to a task should belong to a department. The portfolio planner can not accumulate assigned work per department otherwise. Users without department will be shown in the "Issues" menu. Just visit the link, visit the "Employee Information" section in the user's file and select the department.

  • Vacation and User Absences:
    User Absences are not considered at the moment (2016-04-20).

  • User Availability:
    User availability (for example a user working half-time) is considered, as specified in the HR master data.


Configuration Options

Project Options

  • Show Project Dependencies:
    "How does one project depend on other projects"? This option enables/disables the display of inter-project dependencies (default: enabled).
  • Show Project Assigned Resources:
    "How many persons are working on each project?" This option enables/disables the display of the accumulated resource assignments per project (default: disabled). Displays the average sum of assigned resources per period (day or week).
Department Options
  • Show Department Assigned Resources:
    "How many of the department's users are assigned to a project?" This option enables/disables the display of the actual number of users assigned to some project (default: disabled).
  • Show Department Available Resources:
    "How many users are available in this department?" This options enables/disables the display of the available resources (default: disabled). This number is calculated as the number of users per department multiplied with the user's availability (100% for a full-time employee) minus vacation and other plannable absences.
  • Show Department % Work Load:
    "How much of the department's resources are still free?" This option enables/disables the display of the ratio of "assigned resources" / "available resources" (default: enabled).
  • Show Department Accumulated Overload:
    "How much work will not be completed in the given scenario?" This option enables/disables the display of the accumulated overload. Overload occurs during periods if "assigned resources" > "available resources". This overload is accumulated over time. The accumulated overload is reduced if "assigned resources" < "available resources".

  Contact Us
  Project Open Business Solutions S.L.

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 Tel Europe: +34 609 953 751
 Tel US: +1 415 200 2465
 Mail: info@project-open.com