OpenACS AJAX Helper

Ajax Helper for various javascript libraries. Provides helper procs to generate javascript used for Ajax and generating cinematic effects. Includes Scriptaculous 1.7.1 beta3 with Prototype 1.5.1, ExtJS 1.1.1 and the Yahoo UI Libraries (2.3.0). As of 0.87d, there is now an option to load YUI js source files direct from yahoo ( Lee Denison's template::head is now used to load javascript sources and css. The YUI loader is used to intelligently load YUI sources and css. As of 0.7d, all javascript libraries have been moved to ajaxhelper/www/resources to take advantage of caching. As of 0.8d, the wrappers will now be able to check a global variable to see if the required sources are loaded, this allows helper procs to automatically load the javascript sources you need.


Package Documentation

Procedure Files

tcl/ajax-dojo-procs.tcl       Library for Ajax Helper Procs based on the dojo javascript toolkit 
tcl/ajax-ext-procs.tcl       Library for Ajax Helper Procs based on ExtJs 
tcl/ajax-listbuilder-procs.tcl       Ajax enahanced list builder features 
tcl/ajax-procs.tcl       Library for Ajax Helper Procs 
tcl/ajax-yahoo-procs.tcl       Library for Ajax Helper Procs based on Yahoo's User Interface Libraries 
tcl/dynamic-load-procs.tcl       Ajax Exprimental Procs 
tcl/json-procs.tcl       Ajax Exprimental Procs 


ah::ajax_bubblecallout       This proc executes an xmlhttp call and outputs the response text in a bubblecallout. 
ah::ajaxperiodical       Returns javascript that calls the prototype javascript library's ajax periodic updater object. 
ah::ajaxrequest       Returns javascript that calls the prototype javascript library's ajax request (Ajax.Request) object. 
ah::ajaxupdate       Generate an Ajax.Updater javascript object. 
ah::bubblecallout       This proc will generate mouseover and mouseout javascript for dhtml callout or popup using overlibmws and the overlibmws bubble plugin. 
ah::clearpopup       This proc will generate javascript for to clear a popup. 
ah::create_js_function       Helper procedure to generate a javascript function 
ah::dojo::args       Builds a javascript object that holds the arguments that are commonly passed to a dojo function. 
ah::dojo::chart       Creates a chart using the dojo charting engine 
ah::dojo::collections_store       Creates a dojo collection store 
ah::dojo::iobind       Generates the javascript for a dojo io bind. 
ah::dojo::is_js_sources_loaded       This proc will loop thru source_list and check for the presence of js_source. 
ah::dojo::js_sources       Generates the javascript that loads the dojo javascript sources. 
ah::dojo::load_js_sources       Accepts a Tcl list of sources to load. 
ah::dojo::requires       This proc should be called by an ajaxhelper proc that uses dojo with a comma separated list of dojo javascript sources that the ajaxhelper proc needs in order to work. 
ah::draggable       Generates javascript to make the given element a draggable. 
ah::droppable       Generates javascript to make the given element a droppable. 
ah::droppableremove       Generates javascript to remove a droppable. 
ah::effects       Generates javascript for effects by scriptaculous. 
ah::enclose_in_script       Encloses whatever is passed to the script parameter in javascript tags. 
ah::exp::dynamic_load_functions       Generates the javascript functions that perform dynamic loading of local javascript files. 
ah::exp::js_include       Generates the javscript to include a js file dynamically via DOM to the head section of the page. 
ah::exp::js_source_dynamic       Uses the javascript dynamic loading functions to load the comma separated list of javascript source file. 
ah::exp::yui_js_source_dynamic       Dynamically Loads the Yahoo UI javascript libraries. 
ah::ext::ajax       Wrapper for Ext.Ajax.request 
ah::ext::msgbox       Wrapper for Ext.MessageBox. 
ah::ext::onready       Wrapper for Ext.onReady. 
ah::ext::requires       Everything needed for ExtJs is in 2 javascript files and 1 css file. 
ah::ext::updateprogress       Wrapper for Ext.MessageBox.updateProgress. 
ah::generate_autosuggest_array       Generates a javascript array for inclusion in a page header. 
ah::get_package_id       Return the package_id of the installed and mounted ajax helper instance 
ah::get_url       Return the path to the ajaxhelper resource files 
ah::insert       Inserts text or html in a position given the element as reference. 
ah::isnot_js_var       Receives a string and surrounds it with single quotes. 
ah::js_sources       DEPRECATED. 
ah::lb::add_add_column_menu       Create a dropdown menu to add a column to be dislayed 
ah::lb::add_column_menu       Add dynamic dropdown menus 
ah::lb::add_view_menu       Create a dropdown menu for saved views 
ah::lb::filter_url       Prepare a URL to add a filter to a list 
ah::lb::multiple_filter_url       Prepare a URL to add a filter to a list 
ah::lb::prepare_list       Prepare the stuff we need before the list is created 
ah::lb::prepare_template       Prepare all the stuff for ajax dynamic list template 
ah::lb::validate_cr_name       Checks whether the value of the html element with the given id is a valid crname. 
ah::popup       This proc will generate javascript for an overlibmws popup. 
ah::requires       This proc should be called by an ajaxhelper proc with a comma separated list of javascript sources that the ajaxhelper proc needs in order to work. 
ah::rounder       Generates javascript to round html div elements. 
ah::sortable       Generates javascript for sortable elements. 
ah::starteventwatch       Use prototype's Event object to watch/listen for a specific event from a specific html element. 
ah::stopeventwatch       Use prototype's Event object to watch/listen to a specific event from a specific html element. 
ah::toggle       Generates javascript that toggles the state of an element. 
ah::util_list_to_json       Converts a properly structured list of lists into JSON format. 
ah::yui::addlistener       Creates javascript for Yahoo's Event Listener. 
ah::yui::autocomplete       Generates the javascript to create a YUI autocomplete object from a Tcl list 
ah::yui::contextmenu       Generates the javascript to create a YUI context menu from a Tcl list. 
ah::yui::create_tree       Generates the javascript to create a yahoo tree view control. 
ah::yui::create_tree_node       Generates the javascript to add a node to a yahoo tree view control 
ah::yui::cssclass       Generates javascript code to control css class on html elements. 
ah::yui::is_js_sources_loaded       This proc will loop thru the global source_list and check for the presence of the given js_source. 
ah::yui::is_valid_source       This proc will determine if the YUI js_source file is the name is a valid name associated to a javascript source. 
ah::yui::js_sources       DEPRECATED. 
ah::yui::load_js_sources       Accepts a Tcl list of sources to load. 
ah::yui::menu_from_list       Generates the javascript to create a YUI menu from a Tcl list. 
ah::yui::menu_from_markup       Generates the javascript to create a YUI menu from existing html markup. 
ah::yui::menu_list_to_json       Converts a properly structured list of menu items into JSON format. 
ah::yui::requires       This proc should be called by an ajaxhelper proc that uses YUI with a comma separated list of YUI javascript sources that the ajaxhelper proc needs in order to work. 
ah::yui::tooltip       Generates the javascript to create a tooltip using yahoo's user interface javascript library. 
callback::subsite::get_extra_headers::impl::my_implementation       replaces the ajaxhelper-template include 

SQL Files

Content Pages

      list-add-filter.tcl Add a filter to saved filter view for a list builder list
      list-view-delete.tcl Delete a view for a list
           carousel-images.tcl Return images for attach-image carousel
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