OpenACS Automated Testing

This package is the interface to the automated testing facilities within OpenACS. It provides a UI for viewing and running automated tests provided by each package within the OpenACS system. It also provides a UI for managing automatic-rebuild servers as in a test farm.


Package Documentation

Procedure Files

tcl/intranet-absences-procs.tcl       Definitions for the intranet timesheet 
tcl/intranet-calendar-procs.tcl       reviewed by, June 1999 for release with ACS 2.0 documentation and example in /www/doc/calendar-widget.html, June 2000 Added new widgets for new-calendar Documentation eventually in /www/doc/new-calendar-widgets.html 
tcl/intranet-timesheet2-procs.tcl       Definitions for the intranet timesheet 


absence_list_for_user_and_time_period       For a given user and time period, this proc returns a list of elements where each element corresponds to one day and describes its "work/vacation type". 
calculate_absence_days       Calculates the days considering Returns absence as UOM 'hours' 
calculate_dd_hh_mm_from_day       Returns list {dd hh mm } 
calendar_basic_month       Returns a calendar for a specific month, with details supplied by Julian date. 
calendar_convert_julian_to_ansi       Return an ANSI date for a Julian date 
calendar_get_info_from_db       Calculates various dates required by the calendar_basic_month procedure. 
calendar_prev_current_next       Returns a calendar for a specific month, with details supplied by Julian date. 
calendar_small_calendar_year       Returns a calendar year of small calendars for the year of the passed in date. 
calendar_small_month       Returns a small calendar for a specific month. 
calendar_small_year       Returns a year of small calendars given the starting month as a date. 
im_absence_color_table       Returns some HTML with a table with the colors of absences 
im_absence_cube       Returns a rendered cube with a graphical absence display for users. 
im_absence_cube_color_list       Returns the list of colors for the various types of absences 
im_absence_cube_color_list_helper       Returns the list of colors for the various types of absences 
im_absence_cube_render_cell       Renders a single report cell, which might contain an intersection of multiple type of absences. 
im_absence_formatted_duration_to_days       Converts a time string to days. 
im_absence_mix_colors       Renders a single report cell. 
im_absence_new_page_wf_perm_delete_button       Should we show the "Delete" button in the AbsenceNewPage? The button is visible only for the Owner of the absence, but nobody else in the WF. 
im_absence_new_page_wf_perm_edit_button       Should we show the "Edit" button in the AbsenceNewPage? The button is visible only for the Owner of the absence and the Admin, but nobody else during the course of the WF. 
im_absence_new_page_wf_perm_table       Returns a hash array representing (role x status) -> (v r d w a), controlling the read and write permissions on absences, depending on the users's role and the WF status. 
im_absence_type_color       Returns the color for an absence or an absence_type_id. 
im_absence_type_color_helper       Returns the color for an absence or an absence_type_id. 
im_absence_vacation_balance_component       Returns a HTML component showing the number of days left for the user 
im_absence_vacation_balance_component_ajax       Returns a HTML component for vacation management. 
im_absence_vacation_balance_component_xhtml       Returns a HTML component for vacation management. 
im_absences_assign_vacation_replacement       Assigns a vacation replacement to a task 
im_force_user_to_log_hours       If a user is not on vacation and has not logged hours since yesterday midnight, we ask them to log hours before using the intranet. 
im_get_next_absence_link       Returns a html link with the next "personal"absence of the given user_id. 
im_hour_nuke       Delete an im_hour entry and depending objects. 
im_hour_permissions       Fill the by-reference variables read, write and admin with the permissions of $user_id on $hour_id 
im_hours_for_user       Returns a string in html or text format describing the number of hours the specified user logged and what s/he noted as work done in those hours. 
im_hours_verify_user_id       Returns either the specified user_id or the currently logged in user's user_id. 
im_menu_absences_admin_links       Return a list of admin links to be added to the "absences" menu 
im_menu_timesheet_admin_links       Return a list of admin links to be added to the "timesheet" menu 
im_package_timesheet2_id       Returns the package id of the intranet-timesheet2 package 
im_timesheet2_sync_timesheet_costs       Check for im_hour items without associated timesheet cost items and generate the required items. 
im_timesheet_absences_sum       Returns the total number of absences multiplied by 8 hours per absence. 
im_timesheet_costs_delete       Delete any cost items related to hours logged for the specified project and day. 
im_timesheet_home_component       Creates a HTML table showing a box with basic statistics about the current project and a link to log the users hours. 
im_timesheet_hours_sum       Returns the total number of hours the specified user logged for whatever else is included in the arg list. 
im_timesheet_project_component       Creates a HTML table showing a box with basic statistics about the current project and a link to log the users hours. 
im_timesheet_update_timesheet_cache       Returns the total hours registered for the specified table and id. 
im_user_absence_nuke       Delete an im_hour entry and depending objects. 
im_user_absence_permissions       Fill the "by-reference" variables read, write and admin with the permissions of $user_id on $absence_id. 
mini_calendar_widget       "This proc creates a mini calendar useful for navigating various calendar views. 

SQL Files


Content Pages

           absence-duration.tcl Calculate the duration of an absence in days or hours, including public holidays for the specific user.
           capacity-planning-2.tcl Capacity planning
           capacity-planning.tcl Capacity planning
           dashboard.tcl Ticket Dashboard
           index.tcl Shows all absences.
           vacation-balance-report-update-balance.tcl Update the vacation balance
           vacation-balance-report.tcl Lists vacation balance per user
           xhtml-vacation-balance-component.tcl Shows the vacation balance for the user.
      dedication_days_em.tcl Purpose: See the employees project dedication status
      dedication_days_pr.tcl Purpose: See the employees project dedication status
           admin.tcl Home page for category administration.
           dashboard.tcl Ticket Dashboard
           full.tcl Shows a detailed list of all the hours one user spent on a given item (e.g.
           history.tcl Shows a history of hours logged for a project by all employees over a period of time (several weeks/months)
           index.tcl Calendar format display of user's hours with links to log more hours, if the user is looking at him/ herself
           month.tcl Shows the hour a specified user spend working over the course of a month
           new-2.tcl Writes hours to db.
           new.tcl Displays form to let user enter hours In weekly view, week would start with julian_date which is usually a Sunday or Monday
           one-project.tcl Shows hours by all users for a specific item/project
           one.tcl Edit an existing timesheet element to allow an Admin to assign the hours to a different project.
           other-projects.tcl Display the list of available project for the current user in order to allow logging hours on project where the current user isn't a member of.
           projects.tcl Shows all the hours an employee has worked, organized by project
           send_pr_info-2.tcl Purpose: Send project status info by e-mail (action)
           send_pr_info.tcl Purpose: Send project status info by e-mail
           total.tcl Shows total number of hours spent on all project
           week.tcl Shows the hour a specified user spend working over the course of a week
           details_monthly.tcl Show the details of all hours logged by all employees in a single month.
      resource-report.tcl Show a timeline of the activities of a selected group of users.
      send_pr_info-2.tcl Purpose: Send project status info by e-mail (action)
      send_pr_info.tcl Purpose: Send project status info by e-mail
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