
The sales process is a systematic approach to sell your company's products or services. The process can be visualized as a funnel with oportunities entering at the top and some closed sales contracts at the bottom.

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 - Sales processes are different between business sectors and companies.

- In this page we will focus on the sales process for project driven organizations with high pre-sales effort including consulting companies, advertizing agencies, IT companies and other types of service companies.


Main Activities

  • Marketing activities:
    Activities to attract the interest of potential customers. These activities are not part of the sales process and covered in the [marketing process].

  • Lead Generation:
    Identify potential customers and enter them into the system

  • Pre-Sales:
    The main objective of pre-sales is to develop a solution for the customer, based on customer input.

  • Follow-Up:
    A scheduled communication with a customer some time after a previous contact

  • Quoting:
    Creation of a quote

  • Sales Tracking:
    Follow the progress of sales activities across the sales funnel.

  • Sales Forecasting:
    Creation of a forecast of sales in the next quarter or year. The sales forecast is used by the [resource planning] process.

  • Setting Sales Targets:
    This activity defines sales targets for each sales representative in the company.




The following activites are covered by other processes:

  • Web Site
  • Marketing in general
  • Trade fair & exhibitions
  • Preparation of marketing material


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  Project Open Business Solutions S.L.

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