About Processes

Which processes can I run using ]project-open[? This page provides an overview and lists supported processes. Please not the hexagons are clickable maps.

Project Related Processes:

(Please click on the hexagons for more information)

Financial Processes:

(Please click on the hexagons for more information)

Provider Management Processes


Human Resources Processes:

  • Timesheet Management - Employees track time, to be confirmed by supervisor
  • Employee Maintenance
  • Absence Management
  • [Employee Skill Management]
  • [Performance Appraisal] - Evaluation of employee performance, including 360° appraisal.
  • [Bonus Calculation]
  • [Training Mangement] - determine need for and track employee training.
  • Project Staffing - select the right people to execute your project
  • Recruiting - select new employees for your company
  • Skill Management
  • [Project Resource Management] - identify resource bottlenecks and unproductive time
  • [Travel Expenses] - capture and approve travel expenses

(Please click on the hexagons for more information)

 CRM Processes

(Please click on the hexagons for more information)

ITSM Processes

(Please click on the hexagons for more information)

Product Development Processes

  • [Product Development]
  • [Product Launching]

Production Processes

  • Engineer-to-Order - production process delivering customized products. The production process is represented as a project

  Contact Us
  Project Open Business Solutions S.L.

Calle Aprestadora 19, 12o-2a

08902 Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona)


 Tel Europe: +34 609 953 751
 Tel US: +1 415 200 2465
 Mail: info@project-open.com