ad_proc -public im_custom_next_project_nr { {-customer_id 0 } {-nr_digits {}} {-date_format {}} } { Project_nr should look like: cccc-xxxxx with the first 4 digits being the customer code and the second 4 digits is the current project_nr Returns "" if there was an error calculating the number. } { if {"none" == $date_format} { set date_format "" } set customer_customer_code "" set customer_name "Error retreiving Customer Information" catch { db_1row cust_code " select company_id, borg_customer_code as customer_customer_code, company_name as customer_name from im_companies where company_id = :customer_id " } errmsg ns_log Notice "im_customer_next_project_nr: customer_customer_code=$customer_code" if {[string length $customer_code] != 4} { ad_return_complaint 1 "<b>Unable to find 'Spanish Customer Code'</b>: <p> The customer <a href=/intranet/companies/view?company_id=$customer_id>$customer_name</a> does not have a valid 4 digit 'Customer Code' field. <br> Please follow the link and setup a customer code with four digits.<br> </p> <pre>$errmsg</pre> " ad_script_abort } # ---------------------------------------------------- # Calculate the next project nr by finding out the last # one +1 # code + year code set today [db_string today "select to_char(now(), :date_format)"] set today "$customer_code$today" # Adjust the position of the start of date and nr in the invoice_nr set customer_customer_code_len [string length $customer_code] set date_format_len [string length $date_format] set date_format_len [expr $date_format_len + $customer_code_len] set nr_start_idx [expr 2 + $date_format_len] set date_start_idx 1 set num_check_sql "" set zeros "" for {set i 0} {$i < $nr_digits} {incr i} { set digit_idx [expr 1 + $i] append num_check_sql " and ascii(substr(,$digit_idx,1)) > 47 and ascii(substr(,$digit_idx,1)) < 58 " append zeros "0" } set sql " select trim(max( as last_project_nr from ( select substr(project_nr, :nr_start_idx, :nr_digits) as nr from im_projects where lower(substr(project_nr, :date_start_idx, :date_format_len)) = lower('$today') ) p where 1=1 $num_check_sql " set last_project_nr [db_string max_project_nr $sql -default $zeros] set last_project_nr [string trimleft $last_project_nr "0"] if {[empty_string_p $last_project_nr]} { set last_project_nr 0 } set next_number [expr $last_project_nr + 1] ns_log Notice "im_customer_next_project_nr: last_project_nr=$last_project_nr, next_number=$next_number" # ---------------------------------------------------- # Put together the new project_nr set nr_sql "select '$today' || '_' || trim(to_char($next_number,:zeros)) as project_nr" set project_nr [db_string next_project_nr $nr_sql -default ""] return $project_nr }
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