
Categories are used by ]po[ as a kind of constants to specify the "types" and "stati" of database objects.  Categories represent the values shown in many of the drop-down boxes ]po[.  Categories are grouped by business function below.

Categories as Constants

Apart from representing the values in drop-down boxes, ]project-open[ frequently uses categories as constants. In this case, categories should not be changed.  Please consult each Category Type below for the particular way it is being used within ]project-open[. 



  • Company Status - Used for the CRM sales pipeline and partner acquisition pipeline.
  • Company Type  - Defines different types of companies such as customers, providers, partners,...
  • Annual Revenue - Estimated annual turnover with a company. Used as part of CRM.
  • Office Status - Basically not used, except for disabling/deleting offices.
  • Office Type  - Basically not used.



  • Topic Type - Defines the style of communication for the topic: Discussion, Incident, Task, New Item, ...
  • Topic Status - Is used for tracking the workflow of Incidents and Tasks.

Human Resources





Category Constant Ranges

The following table shows the ranges for constants that have been centrally assigned by ]po[. Part of these ranges have historic reasons dating back before 2000.  Please contact us if you are a developer and you need a constant range for your own package.


--   0-  9      Intranet Task Board Time Frame (10)
--  10- 39      reserved (30)
--  40- 49      Intranet Company Status (10)
--  51- 59      Intranet Company Types (10)
--  60- 65      Intranet Partner Status (5)
--  66- 69      Intranet Project On Track Status (5)
--  71- 83      Intranet Project Status (12)
--  85-109      Intranet Project Type (25)
-- 110-119      Intranet Quality (10)
-- 120-129      Intranet Hiring Source (10)
-- 130-149      Intranet Task Board (20)
-- 150-159      Intranet Job Title (10)
-- 190-199      Intranet Qualification Process (10)
-- 200-219      Intranet Department (20)
-- 220-229      Intranet Annual Revenue (10)
-- 250-299      Intranet Translation Language (50)
-- 320-329      Intranet UoM (10)
-- 340-359      Intranet Translation Task Status (20)
-- 360-379      Intranet Project Status (20)
-- 400-409      Intranet Prior Experience (10)
-- 450-459      Intranet Employee Pipeline Status (10)
-- 500-599      Intranet Translation Subject Area (100)
-- 600-699      Intranet Translation File Type (100)
-- 800-899      Intranet Invoice Payment Method (100)
-- 900-999      Intranet Cost Templates (100)
-- 1000-1099    Intranet Payment Type (100)
-- 1100-1199    Intranet Topic Type (100)
-- 1200-1299    Intranet Topic Status (100)
-- 1300-1399    Intranet Project Role (100)
-- 1400-1999    reserved
-- 2000-2099    Intranet Freelance Skill Type (100)
-- 2100-2199    Intranet Freelance TM Tools (100)
-- 2200-2299    Intranet Experience Level (100)
-- 2300-2399    Intranet LOC Tools (100)
-- 2400-2419    Intranet Skill Weight (20)
-- 2420-2499    inconsistently used range (80)
-- 2500-2599    Intranet Project Type (100, extension)
-- 2600-2999    reserved (400)
-- 3000-3099    Intranet Cost Center Type (100)
-- 3100-3199    Intranet Cost Center Status (100)
-- 3200-3299    Intranet CRM Tracking (100)
-- 3300-3399    Intranet Cost Centers (100)
-- 3400-3499    Intranet Investment Type (100)
-- 3500-3599    Intranet Investment Status (100)
-- 3600-3699    Intranet Investment Amortization Interval (100)
-- 3700-3799    Intranet Cost Item Type (100)
-- 3800-3899    Intranet Cost Item Status (100)
-- 3900-3999    Intranet Cost Item Planning Type (100)
-- 4000-4099    Intranet Expense Type (100)
-- 4100-4199    Intranet Expense Payment Type (100)
-- 4200-4299    Intranet TM Integration Type (100)
-- 4300-4399    Intranet Trans Task Type (100)
-- 4300-4499    Intranet Bug-Tracker (200)
-- 4400-4499    Intranet Trans RFQ (100)
-- 4500-4549    reserved (50)
-- 4550-4599    Intranet Project Type (50, extension)
-- 5000-5099    Intranet Absence Type (100)
-- 5100-5999    reserved for Timesheet Management (900)
-- 6000-6999    Intranet Recruiting (1000)
-- 7000-7999    Intranet Translation Quality (1000)
-- 8000-8999    Intranet Translation Marketplace (1000)
-- 9000-9499    Intranet Material (500)
-- 9500-9699    Intranet Timesheet Tasks (200)
-- 9700-9799    reserved for customer N.N. (100)
-- 10000-10999  Intranet DynField (1000)
-- 11000-11099  Intranet SQL Selectors (100)
-- 11100-11199  CRM IP Type (100)
-- 11200-11299  CRM IP Status (100)
-- 11300-11399  Intranet Trans Invoices N.N. (100)
-- 11400-11499  Intranet Notes Status (100)
-- 11500-11599  Intranet Notes Status (100)
-- 11600-11699  Intranet Invoice Canned Notes (100)
-- 11700-11799  Intranet Conf Item Status (100)
-- 11800-11999  Intranet Conf Item Type (200)
-- 12000-12999  Intranet ConfDB (1000)
-- 13000-13999  Intranet Semantic Network (1000)
-- 14000-14999  Leinhaeuser Development... (1000)
-- 15000-15099  Intranet Report Status (100)
-- 15100-15199  Intranet Report Type (100)
-- 15200-15999  reserved for Intranet Report (800)
-- 16000-16999  Intranet Absences (1000)
-- 17000-17999  Intranet Timesheet2 Workflow (1000)
-- 18000-18999  Intranet Absences Workflow (1000)
-- 19000-19999  Intranet Expenses Workflow  (1000)
-- 20000-20999  Intranet Change Management (1000)
-- 21000-21999  Intranet Translation Language (1000)
-- 22000-22999  Intranet User Type (1000)
-- 23000-23999  Intranet Conf Item Type (1000 for intranet-nagios)
-- 24000-24999  Intranet TinyTM (1000)
-- 25000-25999  reserved for customer N.N. (1000)
-- 26000-26999  reserved for customer N.N. (1000)
-- 27000-27999  Intranet Release Management (1000)
-- 28000-28999  reserved for customer N.N. (1000)
-- 29000-29999  reserved for customer N.N. (1000)
-- 30000-39999  Intranet Helpdesk (10000)
-- 40000-40999  Intranet Skin (1000)
-- 41000-41099  Intranet Salutation (100)
-- 41100-40999  reserved (8900)
-- 40000-49999  reserved (10000)
-- 50000-59999  reserved (10000)
-- 60000-69999  reserved (10000)
-- 70000-79999  reserved (10000)
-- 80000-89999  reserved (10000)
-- 90000-99999  reserved (10000)

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 Mail: info@project-open.com