Configuring Columns of DynViews



Colum Attribute
 Description / Comments
 Sample Configuration
Column Name Name of the column - Identifier
Please avoid spcial characters such as '-', '.', etc.
Next Absence
Order of the column in relation to other columns of this view
Please use integer values, negative values are allowed

Column render tcl Usually contains the placeholder variable of the Object
Column Content can be rendered using special functions. For available context variables, consult in doubt the source code. 
  • "[im_get_next_absence_link $user_id ]"
  •  [if {$overdue > 0} { set t "<font color=red>$due_date</font>" } else { set t "$due_date" }]
  • "<a href=/intranet/users/view?user_id=$customer_contact_id>[im_name_from_user_id $customer_contact_id]</a>"
  • "<a href=/intranet/companies/view?user_id=$company_id>[acs_object_name $company_id]</a>"
  • "[db_string sql "select (select company_name from im_companies where company_id = r.object_id_one) as company_name from acs_rels r, acs_objects o where r.object_id_two = :user_id and r.rel_id = o.object_id and r.rel_type = 'im_company_employee_rel' order by o.creation_date DESC limit 1" -default ""]"
Extra Select Get additional values/attributes
Content should only be defined by a programmer with access to the source code   

Extra from Include additional tables in the standard query
Content should only be defined by a programmer with access to the source code

Extra where Include additional "where" clauses to limit output
Content should only be defined by a programmer with access to the source code

Order by clause Add additional order clauses
Content should only be defined by a programmer with access to the source code

Visible For Hide column based on the result of a validation routine
  • im_permission $user_id view_company_contacts
  • im_view_user_permission $user_id $current_user_id $name view_users
  • expr $org_project_status_id == 71
  • Show column only if user is PM (view_name: im_timesheet_task_list):
    expr [auth::require_login] == [db_string sql "select project_lead_id from im_projects where project_id = :restrict_to_project_id" -default 0]
Ajax Configuration Currently not in use

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