HR Employee Maintenance

(Please click on the hexagons for more information)

Employee Maintenance refers to the maintenance of employee master data. ]po[ allows the management of employee data such as contact information, cost involved and share of compound costs. The sum of monthly costs for an internal resource will be broken down to an hourly rate that is used to calculate costs on activities (project tasks, RFC's, incidents, etc.)   

Process Activities


  • Create or update employee master data

Process Input


  • Employee master data
  • Employee costs

Process Output


  • Updates / new employee record


Process Support by ]po[


The following ]po[ packages provide support for this process:

  • Human Resources maintains employee master data 
  • File Storage allows the administration of any type of documents related to the employee, such contracts and other agreements


Process Performance Indicators


  • Average hourly costs of internal resources
  Contact Us
  Project Open Business Solutions S.L.

Calle Aprestadora 19, 12o-2a

08902 Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona)


 Tel Europe: +34 609 953 751
 Tel US: +1 415 200 2465