]po[ Version

This version contains a number of additional features that are to be included in V4.0. All of these features are in alpha/beta status. The purpose of this release is to provide interested users the possibility to test the functionality. 

  • Integration with Funambol
    Integration with the www.funambol.com  snychronization middleware (for MS-Outlook, iPhone, Android etc.).
    The integration currently only includes tickets <-> Tasks. Contacts and timesheet tasks synchronization will come later. The code is located in the new package intranet-funambol.

  • Microsoft Office Project Integration:
    MS-Project -> ]po[ seems to work pretty well already, but there is a known bug with the opposite direction.

  • TaskJuggler Integration:
    TaskJuggler allows to schedule projects according to the availability of resources.
    Scheduling a single project already works well. In the future we'll add the feature to schedule a program (group of projects) or just all projects in the company.

A number of bugs have been fixed for this release.

  • Filestorage: Bread Crum Path didn't work. Clicking on a folder link would not produce any action.

For additional details please see the history of the "OpenDiscussions" forum at www.sourceforge.net/projects/project-open/.

Download and Installation

The new version is available as https://sourceforge.net/projects/project-open/files/project-open/V3.4/project-open-Update-  on SourceForge.

This "update installer" contains a README with details on how to install. Basically, the update installer contains a /packages/ folder which you have to copy to your ]po[ system.

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