Resource and Capacity Management




 ]po[ Resource and Capacity Management helps you to

  • Improve visibility of your resources and your capacity
  • Making informed business decision based on accurate data
  • Optimizing the productivity and profitability of resources

Finding the right level

Finding the right ratio between effort and results is crucial. Answers to the following question might help to determine what level of Resource Management is right for your organization:

  • Is employee [NAME] available on [DAY] ?
  • Who of my group/department has more than 50% capacity on a particular day or in a particular week. 
    • ... and possesses the following skills: ... ?
  • What's [EMPLOYEE] capacity on day [DAY]? 
  • In what projects is EMPLOYEE working in week [WEEK]?
  • Can we accept a new project that runs from to y and requires 200h developers, 15h PM's, etc. 
  • Who is in the office in week/on day xyz?
  • .. etc.

Methods supported

High Level Resource Planning

High Level Resource Planing allows you to plan your resources by providing defining the % of total time an employee is involved in a task or project.

 Task Member Assignment

The above screenshot reads as follows: User 'Bobby Bizconsult' is using 50% of his total availability on this task. 

The Resource Cube as shown below is available at each Projects 'Home' page (Portlet: "Project Gantt Resources") and gives an overview about the capacity on a project level and across all projects managed by the system. 
It aggregates on: 

  • user level,
  • department level and
  • time unit

Resource Cube 

Please read as follows:
For the period chosen, 'David Developer' works 50% of his available time on 'Main Project'.
He's working 20% of week 30 on that project.

Please note that the assignment of % needs to happen either on a project level or on a task level.
Avoid assigning values on both levels since this might lead to inconstancy.

Resource Planning Report

A high level Resource Planning Report is available at http://[YOUR_SERVER]/intranet-resource-management/resources-planning

Resource Planning Report

Detailed Resource Planning

A detailed (named) Resource Planning Report is located at http://[YOUR_SERVER]/intranet-resource-management/resources-planning-planned-hours
For more information please see: Detailed Resource Planning

Detailled Resource Planning (excerpt)

Strategic Capacity Planing

This feature is part of ]po['s Absence Management and allows you assigning resources to projects for the upcoming months under
consideration of current absences.

Show this feature on our demo server:  


See this video to learn more about ]po['s Capacity Planing capabilities:


List of employees: By default all inhouse employees are selected. The list can can be minimized by de-selecting users     
Month/Year: Planning is done on a month-base, please select the month you do the capacity planning for  

Horizontal axis:

The horizontal axis shows for all internal employees the fâžollowing information:

 Workload: Ratio of number of days the user is assigned to projects and his capacity
 Workdays: Number of workdays that can be assigned to projects.

This value is calculated as follows:
    Number of weekdays (Monday-Friday)
  - Absences (vacation, training, other)
  - Bank Holidays
  = Workdays
 Capacity  Number days a user not assigned to projects
 Vacation:  Vacation days, includes also vacations not yet approved
 Training:  Number of days reserved for training
 Other Absences:  Sick days, travel 

Vertical axis:

The vertical axis shows all projects (independed from their project status) having either start-date or end-date in the period selected.
The days available are calculated as: Number of days planned - Number of days logged for each project and their respective sub-projects.

  Contact Us
  Project Open Business Solutions S.L.

Calle Aprestadora 19, 12o-2a

08902 Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona)


 Tel Europe: +34 609 953 751
 Tel US: +1 415 200 2465