This category type is used by the Release Management package as part of the ITSM Release Management process to implement a status engine on software releases.
The following values are defined by default, but not used as constants. However, it is better not to modify these values, as they might be used in the future to implement a default release management workflow. If you need to modify them, please "disable" these categories and add new ones for your purposes.
category_id | category -------------+-------------------------------- 4500 | 0 - Developing 4540 | 1 - Ready for Review 4550 | 2 - Ready for Integration 4560 | 3 - Ready for Integration Test 4570 | 4 - Ready for Acceptance Test 4585 | 5 - Ready for Production 4590 | 6 - Ready to be closed 4595 | 7 - Closed
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