]po[ Freelancer

The ]po[ "Freelancer" is a sub-type of user.

Freelancers define some specific add-on fields.

Please note that there is a difference between:

  • The "Freelance" group:
    This group is just a normal group, which may contain any type of user.
  • the "Freelance" object type (this page):
    The freelance object type defines additional fields for a specific type of user

The freelance object type is used mostly as part of the "translation vertical solution" of ]po[.

The "im_freelance" table:
       Column       |     Type     | Modifiers
 user_id            | integer      | not null
 translation_rate   | numeric(6,2) |
 editing_rate       | numeric(6,2) |
 hourly_rate        | numeric(6,2) |
 bank_account       | text         |
 bank               | text         |
 payment_method_id  | integer      |
 note               | text         |
 private_note       | text         |
 rec_source         | text         |
 rec_status_id      | integer      |
 rec_test_type      | text         |
 rec_test_result_id | integer      |
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